Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Monday.........I hate Mondays.

Nobody can get out of bed on time.
We have to make and remake breakfast because someone doesn't like what they got.
We almost miss the bus.
We are almost late for preschool.
We are almost late to pick up at preschool because Dora is on.
I have to make 3 different things for lunch-I didn't know there was a resturaunt in my kitchen.
Nobody but myself and husband likes what I made for supper.
It's bath night.
I have a million projects going at one time.
I'm on day 18 of the shred.......I hurt.

Is it Tuesday yet???


  1. Yikes, sounds a lot like our house, except I only have 2 kids. It does get easier as they get older...They can get there own breakfast, well Big L can, and we don't do hot breakfast on school days. Oh, and yeah, I had to make 2 suppers tonight, kind of my choice, but it was grilled cheese and soup for 2 of us and chili for the other 2. Congrats on the Shred, you'll have to tell me about it this weekend.

  2. Come on over to my blog, I have an award for you!

  3. I read all of that, and then got to the last part. The Shred still hurts on Day 18??? Oh man. I'm on Day 9, and keep telling myself, it's gotta get better, it's gotta get better.

    Hang in there. Tomorrow's Tuesday.
